Syrian Army Continues to Push Terrorists back from More Strongholds in Northern Aleppo

Terrorist groups left behind dozens of dead or wounded members and retreated from more positions under the heavy attack of the Syrian soldiers and popular forces in al-Lairamoun industrial region.
The Syrian government forces stormed positions of the militant groups in al-Lairamoun region towards Castillo highway and captured more building blocks.
Dozens of the terrorists were killed and their military hardware and vehicles were damaged in the attacks.
In relevant developments in the province on Monday, the Syrian Army troops and popular forces, in several hours of non-stop battle, beat back the militant groups from large farms in the Northern side of Aleppo city and reinvigorated the government forces’ military situation there.
The Syrian army’s artillery and missile units shelled the militant groups’ defense lines, which pave the ground for the country’s soldiers and popular forces to speed up their advances against the terrorists.
The Syrian pro-government forces captured three vast farms in the Western side of al-Jorf al-Sakhri along Castillo highway.
The Syrian army and its allies had previously won back Beit al-Mari’a heights.