Fresh video footage of Liwaa Al-Quds’ advance in east Aleppo

Liwaa Al-Quds (Palestinian paramilitary) advanced deep in the heart of the Ba’ibdeen District on Friday, capturing several sites inside of this large area in east Aleppo.
This latest military operation began on Friday morning, when Liwaa Al-Quds stormed the Ba’ibdeen District, killing several members of Fatah Halab amid their rapid advance throughout the area.
According to a military source in Aleppo, Liwaa Al-Quds is still attacking Ba’ibdeen at this time, as they attempt to expel the remaining members of Fatah Halab from this large district in east Aleppo.
Video footage of this advance was captured by Liwaa Al-Quds’ official media team on Friday; it shows their fighters heavily engaging the enemy forces.
In addition to this attack by Liwaa Al-Quds, the Syrian Armed Forces are attempting advance in the southern part of Aleppo City after launching a big attack at the Sheikh Sa’eed District.