Venezuelan President Celebrates Reopening of Border with Colombia

Caracas, SANA -Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro celebrated the reopening of the border with Colombia, highlighting that it is a huge step to restore the relations of brotherhood and cooperation between the two nations.
From the history that unites us, I send to President Gustavo Petro the gratitude of more than 30 million Venezuelan men and women for this immense step we have taken to restore relations of brotherhood, union, cooperation and complementarity between our peoples, which is the most important thing,” he said.
The Executive emphasized that he knew that this day would come “sooner rather than later” within the framework of the reestablishment of relations between Colombia and Venezuela.
“In the darkest moments, when they tried to invade Venezuela through those bridges to bring war, violence, and terrorism to our country, I knew that sooner rather than later, this day would come. And with faith in God, I asked for it and this day arrived today, Monday, September 26. I thank President Gustavo Petro of Colombia,” said the president.
Previously, through his Twitter account, President Maduro described the reopening of the border between Colombia and Venezuela as “a historic event,” which marks the beginning of a new stage of relations of brotherhood, respect and peace between both countries. “We are peoples united by the unbreakable bond of Bolivarianism,” he specified.
Bushra Dabin/ Amer Dawa