Turkish military base in northern Syria comes under attack
News sources reported on Saturday night that the base of Turkish forces in northern Syria was targeted by artillery attacks.

According to the reports, Kurdish militias and Syrian army forces targeted the Turkish military base in the village of Dabiq on the northern outskirts of Aleppo with artillery shells.
No report on the casualties of the attack has not been released so far.
The Turkish forces and the militia reliant on them have, in turn, targeted the suburbs of two villages located in the Sharran district, northwest of Aleppo.
The Turkish army has intensified its air and artillery attacks on the northern areas of Syria since last week ago.
Turkish Minister of Defense, Hulusi Akar announced that Turkey has launched the “Operation Claw-Sword” offensive with airstrikes targeting Kurdish militants in both Iraq and Syria.
Last Thursday, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said Turkey is planning to continue its offensive aimed at “eliminating terrorist bases” in northern Iraq and Syria.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had pointed to the possibility of ground forces participating in the Turkish offensive in northern Iraq and northern Syria.