Syrian Army’s Tiger Forces capture platoon of tanks, loads of pickups from fleeing militants in east Qalamoun

Amid the Syrian Army’s ongoing offensive operation in Syria’s eastern Qalamoun region, vanguard forces have captured loads of heavy equipment from fleeing rebel fighters.
Picture evidence (below) has emerged showing some of the loot captured by the elite Tiger Forces Division – which is spearheading the offensive – from Qalamoun militants in the last day alone.
The pictures show at least four main battle tanks (the equivalent of a platoon) including T-62 and T-72 models as well as many pickup trucks.
According to Al-Masdar News journalist Ibrahim Joudeh, the battle for eastern Qalamoun is for the most part over with all rebel groups throughout the region having formally surrendered to the Syrian Army and that, despite this, some individual militants have chosen to fight on until the end, having now taken to caves in the mountains around Ar-Ruhaybah and Jayrud.