Syrian Army Deploys Forces Close to Terrorists’ Main Stronghold in Eastern Damascus

Syrian military forces have continued their advances against Jeish al-Islam in Eastern Ghouta and have now deployed forces only five kilometers away from the town of Douma in preparation for the final phase of a large-scale operation there, army sources said on Saturday.
“The Syrian Army and its allies have pushed Jeish al-Islam back from the small but key towns of Mid’aa, al-Nashabiyeh, al-Bahariyeh, Hawsh al-Nasri and Hawsh al-Fareh, paving the way for the liberation of Douma,” the sources said.
“Syrian government forces completed control over Hawsh al-Nasri and laid siege on terrorists in Tal Kurdi region, whose only way to out in from its Western side,” the sources said.
“The newly-captured region of Hawsh al-Nasri has only five kilometers distance to Douma,” the sources added.
“Liberation of Douma will end Saudis’ influence in Damascus province,” they underlined.
In relevant developments in the province but in Western Ghouta on Friday, Syrian army soldiers struck the defense lines of Fatah al-Sham Front (the newly formed al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group previously known as al-Nusra Front) in Western Ghouta, inflicting major damage and casualties on the militants.
The Syrian soldiers targeted the gatherings of Fatah al-Sham in the farms of al-Dirbakhiyeh, Khan al-Sheih and in the surroundings of Beit Jinn farm, killing a number of terrorists and destroying their vehicles and ammunition.