Syrian Army carries out special operation to cutoff ISIL’s supply line to Deir Ezzor Cemetery

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) carried out another carried out another special operation in the Deir Ezzor Governorate this weekend, cutting off one of the Islamic State’s (ISIL) key supply lines to the provincial cemetery.
Led by the Al-Qassem Group of the Republican Guard, the Syrian Arab Army dug another large tunnel under the Islamic State’s positions, placing a large supply of explosives beneath the terrorist group’s positions before detonating the bombs this afternoon.
Following this attack, the Syrian Arab Army stormed the Islamic State’s positions and cutoff one of the terrorist group’s most important supply lines to the provincial cemetery.
With the Islamic State under attack at several fronts across the country, the Syrian Arab Army in the Deir Ezzor Governorate has taken advantage of the terrorist group’s misfortunes by carrying out different operations to harass their forces.