Race inequality ‘causing deeply divided Britain’: UK commission

A UK government body calls for urgent action to tackle race inequality as a new study shows the situation has worsened in Britain over the past five years.
According to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), which has done an extensive study of race in Britain, has demanded action from the government to combat rising racial issues.
The report, released Wednesday night, stated life opportunities for young people from minority backgrounds – especially young black people – “have got much worse over the past five years, and are at the most challenging for generations.”
Race is the motive in 82 percent of hate crimes recorded in England and Wales, it said, adding, murder rates of blacks are much higher and they are still “hugely under-represented” in positions of power.
In comparison with white people, blacks are twice more likely to be murdered in England and Wales. They are also three times more likely to be prosecuted and sentenced.
The report said that white people are more likely to be employed, be better paid and be put in position of power.
David Isaac, the chair of the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission
“We must redouble our efforts to tackle race inequality urgently or risk the divisions in our society growing and racial tensions increasing,” warned David Isaac, the chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
“If you are black or an ethnic minority in modern Britain, it can often still feel like you are living in a different world, never mind being part of a one nation society,” he added.
A spokeswoman of the government insisted they are “committed to making Britain a country that works for everyone.”
“That means delivering real social reform, so that all citizens have the opportunity to realize their full potential,” she added.