Al-aqsa FloodMiddle EastWorld News

Leader: Al-Aqsa Storm put ‘israeli’ regime on path to destruction

Leader of the Islamic Ummah and Oppressed Imam Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says Palestine is the first and foremost issue of the Muslim world.

The Leader made the remarks in an address to a huge crowd of people gathering at the mausoleum of founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini in southern Tehran on Monday to mark the 35th anniversary of the late Imam’s passing.

Ayatollah Khamenei said Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against Israel was carried out at the right time and put the Zionist regime on a path that will lead nowhere but its destruction and elimination.

During Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, the Palestinians pushed the enemy to a corner where it had no way to escape, he noted.

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas launched Operation Al-Aqsa Storm on October 7, 2023, penetrating deep into the territories occupied by the Israeli regime, by carrying out large-scale air, land, and sea strikes.

The group said the operation was a reaction to the recurring desecration of al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied al-Quds as well as intensified Israeli atrocities against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Ayatollah Khamenei further stated that Imam Khomeini emphasized that the people of Palestine themselves would have to restore their own rights and force the Israeli regime to retreat.

Regarding the issue of Palestine, Imam Khomeini urged the Palestinians not to trust the so-called peace talks, the Leader added.

The Leader noted that everything that the late Imam predicted regarding the issue of Palestine has come true.

(This item will be updated.)

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