Iran successfully tests fire upgraded “Shafaq” missile
The Commander of the Army Aviation Second Brigadier General Yousef Ghorbani said that test of self-defense system of aviation helicopters and the upgraded “Shafaq” missile were successfully launched in Eghtedar 1401 Drill.

In Eghtedar 1401 military exercise, aviation helicopters, equipped with night vision, were used on the battlefield for the first time in a completely offensive manner during a special operation and successfully carried out the night attack operation, he added.
Turning to the creation of a self-protection system to improve the safety level of helicopters, Brigadier General Ghorbani said that aviation helicopters, equipped with the self-protection systems, launched flares in confrontation with the shoulder-fired missiles.
He then referred to the test of upgraded “Shafaq” missile and said that “Shafaq” upgraded and smart pinpoint, which its range has increased three times as compared to the past, was fired from the Cobra helicopter and hit the target point.