Al-aqsa FloodMiddle EastWorld News

Hamas warns Israel against any ‘foolish act’ during provocative ‘flag march’ in al-Aqsa

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has warned Israel against committing any “foolish act” against the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the occupied al-Quds during the so-called flag march.

Hamas made the remarks in a statement on Wednesday, as Israeli settlers are expected to commence their annual march later in the day.

“The march of flags in occupied al-Quds is an aggression against our peoples and holy sites,” Hamas said.

It went on to say that authorizing the ‘fascist’ march indicates that the occupying regime seeks to Judaize the holy sites of Palestinians and hurt the feelings of hundreds of millions of Muslims in the world.

The resistance group further urged Palestinians, particularly in the occupied West Bank, to mobilize in a “day of anger” ahead of Wednesday’s flag march parade in al-Quds.

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