Great Satan US deploying nukes to close ally Turkish Regime to destabilize region

A new report that suggests the United States is preparing to send an unknown number of its next generation nuclear weapons to Turkey highlights that Washington continues to remain the number one proliferator of weapons of mass destruction, an American peace activist and political commentator says.
“It underscores the utter hypocrisy on the part of the United States which is constantly lecturing Iran about nuclear weapons and nuclear power,” said Mark Glenn, a writer and co-founder of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, an interfaith forum dedicated to uniting Muslims and Christians against Zionists.
The US believes “nobody is allowed to have these things except the one country that has used nuclear weapons against a civilian population and of course that is the United States,” Glenn told Press TV on Thursday.
The latest nuclear weapons deployment to Turkey is part of Washington’s policy of constantly meddling in Middle Eastern countries and fostering turmoil in the region, Glenn added.
The United States is preparing to send an unknown number of its next generation nuclear weapons to military bases across Turkey and other NATO countries in Europe, according to a new report.
The report by Russian media comes weeks after the US Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) and the US. Air Force carried out non-nuclear system qualification flight tests of the B61-12 gravity bomb at Tonopah Test Range in Nevada.
The tests on June 9, which were reported to be the first of their kind, sought to extend the decades-old B61 bomb’s service life by making it compatible with next generation aircraft, including B-2A Spirit bomber as well as the F-35 stealth jet.