Middle EastWorld News

Yemen warns US against new aggression targeting its security

Yemen’s top policy-making body has issued a stern warning to the United States that any move aimed at destabilizing the Arab country would lead to massive chaos in the region, especially in key waterways surrounding Yemen.

Yemen’s Supreme Political Council said in a statement on Tuesday that consequences of any military action by the US and allies targeting Yemen would spread well beyond the borders of the Arab country.

The Council warned that launching a large-scale military action against Yemen will not cause any change in the country’s staunch support for Palestine and its opposition to nearly seven months of Israeli aggression on Gaza that has killed 34,500 Palestinians.

Yemen has been a key element of a regional campaign targeting Israeli and US interests, which seeks an end to the brutal war on Gaza.

The Yemenis have either seized or launched drone and missile attacks on ships linked to the Israeli regime, the US or Britain that have been sailing in regional waters in recent months. Attacks have also been launched from Yemen on ports controlled by the Israeli regime since October, when Israel started its war on Gaza.

Yemen’s ruling Houthi Ansarullah movement has reiterated that attacks on shipping will continue until Israel completely stops its aggression on Gaza.

Maritime sources said on Sunday that a ship sailing near Yemen’s Socotra island in the Indian Ocean near the Gulf of Aden had been attacked by drones.

The Sunday statement by Yemen came after Lebanon’s al-Akhbar newspaper said in a report that the US is preparing a large-scale aerial offensive against Yemen.

The report said the attacks are aimed at boosting Yemeni forces that that bare opposed to Ansarullah and are allied with the United Arab Emirates.

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