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Swiss police forcibly end sit-in at University of Geneva, arrests made

Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent in Geneva reported that Swiss police forcibly cleared the University of Geneva of students engaged in a sit-in to protest against the continued Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip and to express solidarity with Palestine. The mobilized police arrested several students in the process.

The University of Geneva’s president had previously threatened to take all necessary measures to disperse the protesters, as the protest expanded with the involvement of three new universities joining the Geneva and Lausanne Universities in the sit-in movement supporting Gaza.

Pro-Palestinian students have been staging the sit-in at the University of Geneva for about a week, demanding the university call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and sever ties with Israeli universities and research institutes. The university escalated its response, earlier, on Monday, announcing plans to file a criminal complaint against the students for trespassing.

Similarly, the University of Basel issued a final warning to students occupying a lecture hall, cautioning that failure to end the sit-in could lead to disciplinary actions ranging from reprimands to expulsion.

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