Raeisi: Operation Al-Aqsa Storm turning point in history of Palestinian cause
Iran’s President Ebrahim Raeisi says Operation Al-Aqsa Storm was a turning point in the history of the Palestinian cause.

The region and the wider world, the Iranian president stated, will not be the same after the glorious operation.
Raeisi made the remarks in an address to the virtual Al-Quds Pulpit ceremony, which was held simultaneously in Tehran, Damascus, Sana’a, Beirut, and Baghdad on Wednesday ahead of the International Al-Quds Day.
Operation Al-Aqsa Storm was a reaction to years of Israeli devastation, oppression, and savagery amid the indifference and silence of human rights organizations, the president said.
“Al-Aqsa Storm is a turning point in the history of the fight against the occupation, and the course of the Palestinian battle is divided into before and after the operation,” he said.
“The world and the region will not return to the conditions before this operation, and the insane perpetration of war crimes and the massacre of women and children by the Zionists will not cover up their irreparable defeats,” the president said.
The Iranian president said the Zionist army has turned to war crimes and genocide against women and children to compensate for the strategic blow dealt by Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.
“Thanks to the valor, faith, and courage of the Palestinians in Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, it has become clear to everyone today that the Zionist regime’s abode is more fragile than a spider web, and the world is witnessing the fulfillment of this divine promise.”
Raeisi said the Israeli regime faces a wide array of challenges in the political and military fields.
“In the military field, the dominance of the Palestinian will over the multi-layered defense systems of the Zionists has further proven the illusion of the regime’s invincibility and revealed its high level of vulnerability to the world.”
“This hollow regime is also, more than ever, on the verge of internal collapse in the political arena.”
Raeisi said the exemplary resilience of Gaza throughout the past months has rendered the Israeli regime unable to achieve any of its declared goals in Gaza.
“If a nation relies on the power of faith, it will be able to overcome temporal powers and will undoubtedly taste the pleasure of victory. This is a divine promise, and divine traditions are infallible.”
The Iranian president said the Palestinian operation has sidelined the humiliating peace plans to settle the conflict, and showed that anybody counting on these plans is “playing a dead horse.”
He said the Palestinian fighters have proved that no plan for the future of Palestinian land can be implemented without the consent of the owners of the land.
Raeisi said Israel’s atrocities have also awakened the global public opinion, and even those allied with the Israeli regime, as evidenced by massive pro-Palestine protests in many countries.
“The nations of the world, more than ever, have realized the importance of standing up to this ugly monster.”
The Iranian president censured the West for its “shameful silence” on Israel’s atrocities.
“Without any doubt, the US is a definite accomplice in the Israeli crimes in Gaza.”
The Iranian president also touched on the recent Israeli attack on the consular section of Iran’s embassy in Damascus.
Raeisi vowed that the “brave men of the resistance front” will punish the regime.
“[The attack] shows the peak of this regime’s frustration and helplessness and that, in a crazed effort to cover up its failures, it does not hesitate to commit any act in its crimes against humanity.”
On the International Quds Day, the Iranian president said the occasion has united the Muslim world behind the Palestinian cause and revitalized their support for Palestinians to push out the aggressors.
Raeisi said Iran will keep supporting the Palestinian cause.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran, as it has previously stated, continues to be a supporter of resistance and emphasizes the legitimacy of the Palestinian people in their struggle against the occupying enemy.”