Middle EastWorld News

Imam Khamenei to Haniyeh: “Palestine to Be Liberated from River to Sea”

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Ummah and Oppressed Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei received on Wednesday Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyeh who came to Tehran to offer condolences over martyrdom of President Ebrahim Raisi and companions in a helicopter crash last Sunday.

Imam Khamenei stressed that the divine promise of eliminating the Zionist entity will come true.

“The divine promise of Palestine’s liberation from the river to the sea will be fulfilled,” Iranian media quoted Imam Khamenei as saying.

Head of Hamas’ political bureau, Mr. Ismail Haniyeh, offered his condolences on behalf of the Palestinian nation & govt on the martyrdom-like death of President Raisi & his entourage to Imam Khamenei & the Iranian nation pic.twitter.com/oNp4cZ4DwC

— Khamenei.ir (@khamenei_ir) May 22, 2024


During the meeting, the Leader thanked the Palestinian nation, especially the people of Gaza, for offering their condolences, the official website of Imam Khamenei reported.

He also extended congratulations and condolences for the martyrdom of Haniyeh’s children, and commended the head of the political bureau of Hamas for his patience, according to Khamenei.ir.

Imam Khamenei hailed pro-Gaza protests across the world, pointing to the change the world has witnessed regarding the international stance towards Palestine.

“Who would have believed that one day, slogans in support of Palestine would be raised in US universities and that the flag of Palestine would be raised there? Who would have believed that one day in Japan and in demonstrations in support of Palestine, the slogan ‘Death to Israel’ would be chanted in Persian?”

His eminence highlighted that there may be future events related to Palestine that may seem unimaginable at present.

The Leader then referenced Quranic verses regarding the realization of God’s two promises to the mother of Prophet Moses (PBUH).

“Now God’s first promise about the Palestinian people has been fulfilled, and that is the victory of the people of Gaza, who are a small group, against the big, powerful group [consisting of] the US, NATO, England and a number of other countries. Accordingly, the second promise, which is the elimination of the Zionist regime, can also be realized. With God’s grace, the day will come when Palestine will be established from the river to the sea,” Imam Khamenei stated.

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