Home/World News/Middle East/Palestine/Al-aqsa Flood/🎦 Khayber Khayber is a Jew, Muhammad’s army is coming. Iran shared the video of the UAVs and missiles used in the attack on Israel this evening. Al-aqsa FloodMiddle EastMultimediaVideos 🎦 Khayber Khayber is a Jew, Muhammad’s army is coming. Iran shared the video of the UAVs and missiles used in the attack on Israel this evening. syriatrApril 14, 2024 298 Less than a minute https://www.syriatruths.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/ssstwitter.com_1713044966482.mp4 syriatrApril 14, 2024 298 Less than a minute Facebook X LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Share via Email Print